Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Happy Halloween guys. Better late than never. Had a great scare? cool.

For the moment i'm working on my album with a friend of mine, who actually is doing keys/piano on the songs. I'm really excited that i actually will finish my album sometime next year, and that's awesome. I'll be releasing it online for now, on Itunes and so on. Maybe later i will try to get it out in the store, but who actually buy cd's nowadays. I stopped doing that a long time ago. Itunes is the new generation for buying music.

I have written 24 songs and i'm cutting it down to 13. So the album will contain 13 songs and maybe some b-sides. I got some couple of titles for the album, haven't really decided yet. The album art is gonna blow you away, it's being designed by Steven Juliano from "Requiem From The Dead" and he is just an amazing artist. His art is sick. He's got a book coming out very soon and i can't wait to read it, you should too.

Well, later zombies.


Lovers And King

Requiem For The Dead

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